Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hair Regimen/ Regimen Building

My hair regimen is pretty simple. Listed below will be things i use on a month to month basis.

*Wide Toothed Comb
*Ouch-less Hair Ties
*Two Spray Bottles- One filled with Aloe vera juice mixed with oils. The other is filled with oils and water.
*Eco Styler Gel- Used for styling
*Silk Bonnet
*Shampoo- I do not shampoo my hair at all so this is not included in my hair regimen
*Clarifying Cleanser- Apple cider vinegar mixed with water
*Conditioner- I use suave naturals conditioner as well as v05 conditioner
*Leave in Conditioner- I use Aloe Vera juice mixed with oils of my choosing.
*Moisturizer- I use a mixture of Evoo, castor oil and evco to moisturize my strands and the ends of my hair. To seal in moisture i apply Shea butter. The best moisturizer in the world is water.

 These are the things that i found to work best for my hair. I suggest to every natural if you don't have a hair regimen that you start one. Here is a link to give you further information on regimen building

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